Simplifying Web3 Talent Acquisition

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48 hours

Average time to share relevant profiles

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Access to 100,000+

candidates (Technical & non-technical)

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Total candidates hired(2023)

The Talent Gap

  • Web3 native talentpool is fragmented and quite inaccessible
  • Huge wait time between posting a job and getting relevant applications
  • Filtering irrelevant profiles is time consuming
  • It’s difficult to attract high quality talent even with high compensation
  • 20%-30% placement fee charged by recruiting agencies
talent gap

The Talent Bridge

  • The same role can mean very different things at different companies, our experienced Web3 native recruiters deeply understand the space and become your talent partners
  • Web3 seeks entrepreneurial minds who can adapt and influence, our curation adds these nuances in addition to skill, experience and cultural alignment

The Approach

Open Posiiton
Open positions get shared with us
Hiring Experts
TRJ's hiring experts source highly relevant candidates from our talent network with 100,000+ candidates
Candidate Role
Candidate - Role matching to understand their skills, experience and interest alignment
Candidate Profile
Set of relevant candidate profiles sent to you within 48 hours
Schedule Interview
Based on your feedback, we help schedule interview calls with candidates (and refine our search to find more relevant profiles)
Recruiting Support
Dedicated recruiting support till you hire. Pay us when they join

Recruitment Success Stories

Our Key Clients

Looking for support beyond recruiting?

Happy to connect you with our trusted partners


Development Partners

We’ve partnered with expert dev agencies that can create captivating and impactful products


Marketing Partners

TRJ has collaborated with Web3 marketing partners who truly get this space

web 2

Web2 Partners

We have top-tier Web2 dev partners who can build the right solutions effectively

Meet Our Team


Piyush Grover

Founder & CEO

11+ years of experience in the recruitment & ed-tech space. Prev: Head of Ecosystem Jobs at Polygon, Business Head at iimjobs & hirist, Head of Learn & Grow at Infoedge


Rahul Dalmia


IIT Kharagpur, Angel investor in Polygon, Biconomy, Covalent, StaderLabs, Timeswap and Sismo etc. Ex- Vice President, Quantitative andderivative strategy team at JPMorgan London. Invested in 30 Web2 and 30+ Web3 companies globally.


Harshit Garodia


IIT Kharagpur, IIM Ahmedabad. Spearheaded multibillion-dollar deals(M&A, IPOs) for Emaar properties PJSC and have a network with theearly-stage investors, family offices,sovereign funds, and HNIs in the MENA region.

Boost Your Web3 Recruitment

Get in touch with our 30-minute consultation with our experts to elevate your Web3 recruitment strategies and attract exceptional talent.
